
College Graduate 2.0: Using Neo-Aristotelian Rhetorical Theory in Developing Your Digital Professional Presence

Honors Colloquium (HON 3000) one-hour, pass-fail

College Graduate 2.0

Using Neo-Aristotelian Rhetorical Theory as a backdrop for exploring what it means to be a college graduate 2.0, you will review the current literature on graduating in a web 2.0 world, why developing your digital presence is critical for career, strategies for developing your digital presence, explore the personal and professional morphing of digital presence and it’s subsequent implications.

Starting August 19, 2011 – Meetings Every Other Friday, 11:00 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. Library Room 430
1 Hour Credit: PASS?FAIL
Will satisfy one Honors Colloquium requirement.

College Graduate 2.0:The Rhetoric & Poetic Process: Study of the Impact of Your Digital Professional PresenceUsing Neo-Aristotelian Rhetorical Theory in Developing Your Digital Professional Presence
Honors 3000 Colloquium: Syllabus, Tentative Schedule, Discussions & Assignments

Syllabus Fall 2011: Honors 3000

Tentative Schedule for Honors Seminar

Honor Seminar Discussions

Honors Seminar Assignments
Learning Modules:

Using Neo-Aristotelian Rhetorical Theory: Strategizing Your Digital Professional Presence

Exploring what is means to be a College Graduate 2.0

Why developing your Digital Professional Presence is Critical for Career & Citizenship

What’s Your Story? Folio Thinking: Creating Your Reflective Portfolio

Pursue Strategies for Developing, Networking, & Organizing Your Digital Presence

Explore the personal and professional morphing of Digital Presence and its subsequent implications

Folio Thinking: Creating Your Best of Show Portfolio

KSU Honors Students: Digital Professional & Personal Presence Samples

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