
Governor’s Teaching Fellows (GTF) Teaching and Learning Conference – January 22nd & 23rd, 2015

Governor’s Teaching Fellows (GTF) Teaching and Learning Conference

January 22nd & 23rd, 2015
University of Georgia, Athens, GA


Session Title: The Digital Landscape of Learning: Navigating New Vistas

Session Date: Friday, January 23rd, 2015

Session Time: Breakout Session 2 - 11:30 a.m. – 12:25 p.m.  

Session Location: Computer Lab 208


Session Facilitators:

Katherine Kinnick, Ph.D, Director of the Dual Enrollment Honors Program, Honors College, Kennesaw State University.

Joan E. Leichter Dominick, Ed.D., Senior Seminar Course Coordinator, Department of University Studies, University College, Kennesaw State University.


Roundtable Session Abstract:

Technology is changing how we recruit, admit, administer, advise and teach students as they progress through their academic journeys. Faculty and administrators are increasingly challenged to seek innovative uses of technology inside and outside of the classroom in all areas of higher education. Join us to share ideas, experiments, and insights as we seek to learn best practices from others. The facilitators will share their work with virtual advising of new students via YouTube, online portfolios for college seniors, and online teaching, and prompt discussion through a series of questions for participants.


Roundtable Session Overview:

Technology is changing how we recruit, admit, administer, advise and teach students as they progress through their academic journeys. Faculty and administrators are increasingly challenged to seek innovative uses of technology inside and outside of the classroom in all areas of higher education. Join us to share ideas, experiments, and insights as we seek to learn best practices from others. The facilitators will share their work with virtual advising of new students via YouTube, online portfolios for college seniors, and online teaching.

What makes your presentation participatory or interactive?

The facilitators will share what they are doing with technology to teach and advise students and invite roundtable participants to share their uses of technology and advise to others. We will have a series of discussion prompts to ensure discussion invites all participants to speak and addresses a range of issues related to effective and ineffective uses of technology in the classroom and administrative settings.

What makes your presentation appropriate for a broad audience?

Faculty in all disciplines and administrative roles are increasingly challenged to use technology in new and innovative ways.

How do you hope participants will be changed by your session? What will they know or be able to do as a result?

Participants will come away with ideas for teaching techniques, assignments, virtual advising, and student communication, and will learn from what’s working and what’s not working at others’ institutions.


Roundtable Discussion Topics:

1. Welcome!

2. Introduction of Facilitators.

3. Introductions of Attendees.

4. Facilitators share their current technology projects.

5. Attendees share their current technology projects.

6. Discussion: How Technology is changing how we recruit, admit, administer, advise and teach students as they progress through their academic journeys?  What are some lessons learned? What are some resources you would recommend?

7. Let’s stay Connected


Roundtable Session Related Resources:


Mapping the Journey to Life After College: Using GPS: Grad Portfolio Stories

Session Presenters:

KSU 4401: Senior Seminar Course Portfolio


Sample College Senior ePortfolios – GPS: Grad Portfolio Stories


Social Media & ePortfolio Recipe Book


MERLOT GPS Tour: Great Practice Strategies


Let’s Keep the Conversations Going – Session Faciliators Contact Information:

Katherine Kinnick, Ph.D.
Telephone: 470-578-6471 Fax: 470-578-9217

Joan E. Leichter Dominick, Ed.D.
Telephone: 470-578-6356 Fax: 470-578-6478


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