University College Course Enhancement through Distance Learning Summer 2012
University College KSU 4401: Senior Seminar Course Enhancement through Distance Learning Proposal, Assignments, & Intended Outcomes – Summer 2012
Name: Joan E. Dominick
Department: University Studies
Are you a full-time permanent faculty member? Full-Time
Course you wish to enhance: KSU 4401: Senior Seminar/Hybrid
1. Briefly explain why you have chosen the course above for enhancement.
Since 2007, I have developed KSU 4401: Senior Seminar as a hybrid because it best fits the learning outcomes for the students. We meet face to face for networking with guest speakers and course practicum time developing the college senior portfolios. The remainder of the week, the students can work on the discussions, assignments, and assessments.
However, I would like to add a new enhancement to the course, which would be to develop a way to record the presentations of the face-to-face speakers in class and have webinars, recorded for speakers that are off campus. The networking provided in class is an importance part of getting the KSU Seniors connected to their careers and life goals.
2. Briefly explain what your plans are for enhancement and outcomes you would like to see with this course.
I would like to enhance the course in three ways:
1) Learn the best technology available to record the speakers so the students may review the seminars presented on the face-to-face course meetings.
2) Learn the best technology to present webinar/Skype invitation speakers that are off campus but cannot come to KSU and be able to record their presentations.
3) Explore moving KSU 4401: Senior Seminar to an online format in the future once the aforementioned goals 1 & 2 are met.
Course Enhancement: Video Assignment & Student Technology Assignment
Joan Leichter Dominick
Part One: Video Assignment
• I choose to use IPad Video and You Tube
• Created and Published a Private Posting of “KSU 4401: Course Work”
• Great Technology – easy to video and upload
• Issues – looks like a homemade video – felt uncomfortable posting video to You Tube
• Most Videos I have posted are professionally produced
• Other issues: wanted to use EyeJot but my IPad and older computer does not support the Adobe Flash required.
Part Two: Student Technology Engagement Assignment
• Creating Your Portfolio:
• Developing Your Digital Professional Presence:
• Networking using Web 2.0:
• Graduate 2.0:
Intended Outcomes:
1) Learn the best technology available to record the speakers so the students may review the seminars presented on the face-to-face course meetings.
A. I have set up a webpage where I will add the video/audio recording of the guest networking seminar. I posted this link on the course homepage for students to review in before and/or after the seminar:
Webpage Created:
Networking Connections: Guest Speakers for KSU 4401: Senior Seminar
Posted Webpage on Homepage of KSU 4401: Senior Seminar
B. What I have decided is to get assistance in developing the videos/audio. For the audio, I have worked with Patti Dunne, using Live to record speakers. I will contact Dale Suffridge to see about video recording speakers.
C. I have learned an array of resources that I can use to make short course announcements. For example, Voki, EyeJot, iPad Videos posted to my You Tube Channel, etc.
2) Learn the best technology to present webinar/Skype invitation speakers that are off campus but cannot come to KSU and be able to record their presentations.
A. I still plan to pursue exploring the various real-time recordings that I can use to have a Skype seminar in class.
3) Explore moving KSU 4401: Senior Seminar to an online format in the future once the aforementioned goals 1 & 2 are met.
A. As a direct result of taking the course enhancement series, Deborah Mixson-Brookshire invited me take the Sloan C-Consortium Certificate Program. Several of the colleagues in the course enhancement series also gave positive feedback to this training to learn how to design and develop an online course. I am now in week three of my Sloan Certificate Training, learning to develop the online version of KSU 4401: Senior Seminar. I have a great Sloan Mentor, who is a QM Expert, Renee Cicchino, at Seton Hall University. Just completed the first drafts of my online course syllabus and tentative course schedule:
Sloan Certificate Program 2012: Draft of Syllabus for Online Delivery of KSU 4401: Senior Seminar
Sloan Certificate Program 2012: Draft of Tentative Course Schedule for KSU 4401: Senior Seminar
B. Thank you to Dean Ralph Rascati and Professor Deborah Mixson-Brookshire, I have started the Sloan Training on Monday, June 11, 2012. It is a year long program that allows we to develop the online version of KSU 4401: Senior Seminar. With the support of my cohort group, my facilitator, and mentor I will develop a version of the course that connects Andragogy with eLearning Theory & Practice to design and development a Best in Practice Learning Environment. Thanks to my course learning enhancement colleagues, who now have become my technology mentor community