Grading Rubrics for KSU 4401 Discussions
Grading Rubrics for KSU 4401 Discussions:
Grading Rubric description for Discussion Board:
Desire 2 Learn discussion boards (350 pts.)
As part of the hybrid design of the class, you will be posting 10 discussion questions addressing the learning modules on the course homepage. The purpose is to have you review the course materials pertinent to the learning outcomes for KSU 4401. I have posted the discussion questions for the semester. The discussions are now open through the posted due dates. Dates of discussions are subject to change. Failure to turn in work on the scheduled date results in late work worth half credit .If technical difficulties occur with Vista, you will submit the discussion via KSU email, or bring a paper copy of your discussion to class. This will be decided based on the circumstance. A copy of your discussion questions are posted in the module on the homepage entitled Course Tentative Schedule, Grading Rubrics, & Grading Components. I will have your discussions graded within 10 days of the due date posting.
First, you will respond to the posted question, so that I may grade your participation and response for each of the ten discussions. Below, review the discussion boards grading rubric I will use to grade your postings, which are worth 35 points apiece.
After your first posting, you are invited to discuss your responses and insights with each other. I will be participating in the discussion as appropriate. I will only be grading your first posting, not your responses to other student’s discussions.
You will be able to post on a discussion board beginning from the start dates through the posted due date. The following criteria will be used to grade discussion board posts (postings that meet mixed levels of criteria will receive a score within the point range of the appropriate levels):
0 points
Does not make a post during the release time of the assignment.
1-15 points
Posting minimally or partially responds to the questions posed, does not stay on the assigned reading topic and has many grammatical and mechanical errors.
16-20 points
Posting responds to all the questions and stays on the assigned reading topic but does not show depth or insight. Included one somewhat developed paragraph of analysis. Some grammatical and mechanical errors are present.
21-25 points
Posting responds to all the questions, stays on the assigned reading topic and has a depth that shows thought, insight and analysis have taken place. Included one developed paragraph of analysis. Very few grammatical and mechanical errors are present.
26-30 points
Posting responds to all the questions, has a depth that shows thought, insight and analysis have taken place and offers new ideas and connections resulting in a thoughtful response to questions. Included one to two developed paragraphs of analysis. No grammatical or mechanical errors are present.
31-35 points
Posting responds to all the questions, has a depth that shows thought, insight and analysis have taken place, offers new ideas and connections resulting in a thoughtful response to questions. Included two or more well developed paragraphs of analysis. No grammatical or mechanical errors are present.