Honors Seminar Assignments One & Two
Honors Seminar Assignment
Assignment Posted on Vista:
Strategic Web 2.0 Plan & Rationale for Developing Professional and/or Personal Presence – Ranging from:
Assignment One: Using Neo-Aristotelian Rhetorical Theory, develop your strategic plan and storyboard for sharing your story. Due October 21, 2011
Developing a Digital Professional Presence using Web 2.0 & Web 1.0
Developing a Digital Professional Presence using Web 1.0
Developing a Digital Professional Presence using Web 1.0 (password protected)
Developing a Professional Presence using Paper Format/Software not online
Developing a Digital Professional and Personal Presence using Web 2.0 & Web 1.0
Developing a Digital Professional and Personal Presence using Web 1.0
Developing a Digital Professional and Personal Presence using Web 1.0 (password protected)
Developing a Digital Professional and Personal Presence using Paper Format/Software not online
Assignment Two: Using Neo-Aristotelian Rhetorical Theory, produce your strategic plan and portfolio plan for sharing your story. Due December 2, 2011
The expectation for developing a portfolio for “Assignment Two” can range from starting your portfolio to producing a completed portfolio. It depends on the mission of your portfolio that you developed in your “Assignment One”.
For example, here are some possible portfolio plans for this Assignment Two:
1. Are your beginning to plan your Honors portfolio?
2. Are your building a website for your work?
3. Are you developing a LinkedIn page?
4. What plans to you have for your Digital Presence?
5. What have your learned about sharing your story framed by Neo-Aristotelian Theory?
6. What insights do you have on the importance of developing a strategic plan for your Digital Professional Presence and Digital Personal Presence?
7. What other insights would you like to discuss about Assignment Two?
Possible Format Options:
Developing a Digital Professional Presence using Web 2.0 & Web 1.0
Developing a Digital Professional Presence using Web 1.0
Developing a Digital Professional Presence using Web 1.0 (password protected)
Developing a Professional Presence using Paper Format/Software not online
Developing a Digital Professional and Personal Presence using Web 2.0 & Web 1.0
Developing a Digital Professional and Personal Presence using Web 1.0
Developing a Digital Professional and Personal Presence using Web 1.0 (password protected)
Developing a Digital Professional and Personal Presence using Paper Format/Software not online