What’s Your Story? Folio Thinking: Creating Your Reflective Portfolio
What’s Your Story? Folio Thinking: Creating Your Reflective Portfolio
1. What’s Your Story?
1.1 What is your learning story? Why create a portfolio? By Dr. Joanie (Video)
1.2 What is your Complete Graduate Learning Story? Foliothinking from Reflection to Presenting
1.3 KSU Thinking Rock: President Emeritus Betty Siegel – What is Your Story?
1.4 Speech: “Looking Beyond the Paycheck” by President Nathan Hatch, Wake Forest University
1.5 Career & Life Vision Resources by Andy Chan, Standford/Wake Forest University
1.6 Reflections on Life Journeys: Carnegie Mellon University Faculty Lecture Series
1.7 Career Storytelling Tools for Job-Seekers: Quinessential Careers Website
1.8 Creating an Elevator Speech: What’s Your Story? Quintessential Careers Website
2 Creating Your Reflective Portfolio: Preparing to Share Your Story in Your Portfolio
2.1 RACCE (Reflect+Assess+Collect+Connect+Express) Portfolio Process by Dr. Joanie Leichter Dominick
2.2 E-Portfolio as Kaleidoscopic Process: Dr. Joanie cited on Dr. Helen Barrett’s Website
2.4 The Folio Thinking Process & Resources: Dr. Joan E. Leichter Dominick’s Website
2.5 Your Reflective Portfolio
2.6 Your Best of Show Portfolio
3. Getting Ready to Create a Best of Show Portfolio Storyboard: Moving from Reflection to Designing Your Best of Show Portfolio